Thursday, January 05, 2006

Slowly growing

"We must be able to feel, when we go to bed each night, that we have that day done our most and best: that all we have done was necessary and useful, and the most important thing to be done at the time, and that we have done it with all our heart, unto the Lord. We must not be satisfied with what we have done, but we must be reasonably satisfied that we have tried our best, and that we have noted, and learned something by, our slips and failures. We must be able to feel we are slowly overcoming, growing, deepening, becoming more naturally spiritual--that is less as duty and effort, more as pleasure and desire. We must be able to see ourselves passing some tangible milestones of progress: a steady transformation of the mind Godwards--less and less interest in passing, worldly, animal things of any kind (except moving purpose). And even this we must see somewhat dispassionately, as from afar. For that will come of a certainty: our major and overwhelming concern must be to be personally ready when it does--when the dreadful and joyful cry goes forth: 'The marriage of the Lamb HAS come!--and his Wife hath made herself READY!'"

"Be ye transformed"!

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