Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Grandparents, your role is very important. Moses said to the children of Israel, 'Behold, I have taught you statutes and ordinances ... make them known to your children and your children's children' (Deut. 4:5,9). This means our days of teaching are not ended when our children grow up; we are to continue teaching our grandchildren. Even if we have taken our vocational retirement, there is no retirement in the Truth. Children adore their grandparents and your efforts to sow the seed in their tender minds can bear much fruit. Perhaps you feel inadequate if your work with your own children hasn't met with success, but don't be discouraged. It is all the more reason for doing a good job teaching your grandchildren. As you babysit them, let the good seed drop down into their fertile little minds. If you live close by, take the job of reviewing Sunday School lessons as the situation permits. As the children grow older, they will often talk with a grandparent rather than a parent. Grandparents have a golden opportunity to influence their children's children."



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