"Do not judge. Rather, try to understand, and make an effort to help. Most people need your patience more than your criticism. Leave the judging to God, unless absolutely necessary in faithfulness to the Truth. He has guaranteed He will take care of all the judging that is necessary, at the proper time. If someone annoys or offends us, the trouble is most likely in our own pride and vanity or small-mindedness or touchiness. Thin skin is a miserable disease. If we were less self-centered, we would feel sympathy and compassion, rather than offense. The command not to judge is a broad scriptural principle. It is not, however, to be wrongly used to undermine the specific (and equally important) command to keep Faith and Fellowship sound. When we face a required decision, then we must judge and act--very carefully and prayerfully: very gently if it means censure of others: very sorrowfully if it means separation--but always firmly and faithfully. There is a time when it is a sin, and a dereliction of duty, not to 'judge righteous judgment.' But let us cure ourselves of judging and criticizing as a habit and a hobby. This is purely the flesh."
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