Monday, December 10, 2007

meekness: a gracious easiness

"We must be of a MEEK spirit. Meekness is easiness of spirit: not a sinful easiness to be debauched, as Ephriam's, who willingly walked after the commandment of the idolatrous princes; nor a simple easiness to be imposed upon and deceived, as Rehoboam's, who, when he was forty years old, is said to be young and tender-hearted; but a gracious easiness to be wrought upon by that which is good, as theirs whose heart of stone is taken away and to whom a heart of flesh is given. Meekness accommodates the soul to every occurrence, and so makes a man easy to himself and to all about him. The Latins call a meek man mansuetus, which refers to the taming and reclaiming of creatures wild by nature, and bringing them to be tractable and familiar. James 3:7-9. Man's corrupt nature has made him like the wild donkey used to the wilderness, or the swift dromedary traversing her ways. Jer. 2:23-24. But when the grace of meekness gets dominion, it alters the temper, submits to management; and there is nothing to hurt or destroy."



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