Friday, December 14, 2007

Pray when anger arises

"Pray to God by His Spirit to work in you this excellent grace of meekness and quietness of spirit. It is a part of that loveliness which He puts upon the soul, and He must be sought unto for it. If any man lack this meekness of wisdom, let him ask it of God, who gives liberally, and does not upbraid us with our folly. When we begin at any time to be froward and unquiet, we must lift a prayer to Him... for that grace which establishes the heart. When David's heart was hot within him, the first word that broke out was a prayer (Psa. 39:3-4). When we are surpised with a provocation, and begin to be in a ferment upon it, it will not only be a present diversion, but a sovereign cure, to utter a prayer to God for grace and strength to resist and overcome the temptation: 'Lord, keep me quiet now.'"



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