Saturday, June 17, 2006

as a brook in the desert

"[Sisters], may I remind you to read your Bibles? Not merely a few hurried texts in the early morning, and a few verses at night when you are half asleep, but with a listening ear, and with a reverent eye, realizing that you are in God's presence and that He is speaking to you, read the Divine word. Do not omit the old Testament, nor forget the new: one is the following out of the other, and the two are inter-dependent... come to the Books, as they who are thirsty come to a well, as they who are weary, to a pillow, as they who are afraid to a refuge. Learn the Bible by heart... and be assured the day will come, when the precious bits of truth, will be to you as the fine gold and the fadeless gem. Choose where you will: the whole Bible is God's inspired message to humanity and you cannot read a single book without profit. Whatever other literature be noble this is nobler; whatever else be full of sweetness and light, this Book of God surpasses it. It is a lamp on a dark night, as a brook in the desert, as a flower in the fallow field, as a star in the sky."

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