Saturday, September 30, 2006

"Prayer is so lofty a subject, so private and intensely personal an interest, that a writer may well shrink from obtruding an opinion on her fellows in a matter which is between them and their Maker. And yet who can dwell on godliness, and from delicate scruples omit the mention of prayer? After the Divine model of prayer, see that you pray your own prayer and no other man or woman's; and consider the two invaluable suggestions you have received - that your prayers are to be still and secluded communion, and that you are not to be heard for your much speaking. Let them be very real prayers, cries for help, grateful thanks, adoring praise. Our Father in heaven, your Father and mine, as well as the Almighty God of the universe, will not be impatient of our little fretting troubles, our trifling attainments, our feeble, faltering worship. He who cares for the sparrows and the ravens will heed the aching or the bounding heart. He will have our own words and not another's; our own pleadings, wrestlings, and rejoicings, rather than the experience of even a David or a Moses secondhand. Blessed be His name! He does care for our struggles and our victories, our weal and our woe; and our Elder Brother cannot, either on earth or in heaven, lose his fellow-feeling, his entire and exquisite sympathy with his race."

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Friday, September 29, 2006

"Never give up the great privilege of constant prayer. You will find it a source of strength, of comfort and peace, and in the close communion with the Father you will find the sweetest, the most satisfying and soul rejoicing experience that human heart can reach."


Thursday, September 28, 2006

"Praying is of no use without doing. There is no point appealing to God if we are not prepared to put forth total effort ourselves."

"Every disciple is free to pray: the youngest and the oldest, the weakest and the strongest, the leaders and the led--they ought always to pray and not to faint."

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Pray for zeal. Pray for love. Pray for purity and holiness, and for all the Spirit-fruits that will make you beautiful in God's sight, and worthy to be preserved among His precious gathered jewels. These are the true possessions and riches to desire: the inner possessions that become part of ourselves and give us value to Him."

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Monday, September 25, 2006

"If you have a problem, take it honestly to God: that is, honestly seek His guidance, and honestly desire to follow it."


Sunday, September 24, 2006

"Keep in direct contact with God at all times. Keep the communication line open. This is our lifeline. This is our power line. When this is broken or neglected, we are dead. ...Pray without ceasing: it has limitless, measureless power."

"Some people think God does not like to be troubled with our constant coming and asking. The way to trouble God is not to come at all."


Saturday, September 23, 2006

"Everything is worth praying about, if it is worth doing, or even worth thinking about. If you can't pray about it, that's a sure sign not to do it--it's not part of the godly life."


Friday, September 22, 2006

"Prayer has two main purposes: all else is secondary. 1) Thanksgiving--perpetual moment-to-moment thankfulness for everything: for to the eye of faith and love all is glorious, all is joyful. And 2) Seeking to help to know right and think right and do right--in every circumstance, every condition. Get these on track as a fixed way of life, and all else will flow in a mighty, irresistible stream of goodness."

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

"We must fervently pray God to free us from our illusions and delusions. Pray fervently to God that your motives may be right. Pray earnestly for His help to search your own heart and make it right."


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

continuing duty of fervent prayer for others

"We have a great and continuing duty to our brethren and sisters, and that is the duty of fervent prayer for them--not meaningless by habit and rote as a group, but thoughtfully and individually, one by one, entering into the joys and sorrows of each."

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

compelled to take some action

"If you ask God to bless the needy and comfort those who are lonely and isolated, you are compelled to take some action, where you can. How can an honest disciple pray that prayer and then neglect opportunities to bring succor and help to those in need? If you ask God to bless and strengthen your ecclesia you are compelled to do your best to support it in every way--by your regular presence, your service and your gifts. How can an honest disciple pray that prayer and then be culpably absent or selfishly unwilling to serve or give?"

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Monday, September 18, 2006

let us persevere in prayer

"There is no exhaustion of God's power. He takes charge of the great things in our lives and undertakes for us in the smallest matters also. There are a multitude of mercies with Him; and abundant answers will be given to all our pleadings {Psalm 69:15}. Whatever waters of sorrow or temptation we may sink into, whatever floods of trouble may seem to overwhelm us, let us persevere in prayer."


Sunday, September 17, 2006

make our requests known unto God

"Surely, amid the accumulating cares of life, feeling oftentimes the need of wisdom to guide, of courage and strength to pursue the steady path of duty amid conflicting elements, we shall do unwisely if we neglect to retire to our closets and make our requests known unto God. He will hear us when we pray, for He cannot lie, and He has said, 'Call upon me in the day of trouble, I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me' {Psalm 50:15; Hebrews 13:5-6; James 4:8}."

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

prayer in the household worship

"The prayer in the household worship should be brief, particularly where the children are young. It should be fresh, free of all stereotyped phrases, couched in simple language that all can understand. It should be a prayer for the family interests. It should be tender and personal, freely taking up the members by name and carrying to the Lord the particular needs of each; remembering any who are sick, or in trouble, or exposed to danger or temptation."

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Friday, September 15, 2006

in prayer together in the morning

"Bowing in prayer together in the morning strengthens all the household for life's activities. Wisdom is sought and obtained for the decisions and plans of the day. Guidance is asked and received. Help is drawn down from the throne of God."

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Thursday, September 14, 2006

there is help at hand

" the home of prayer, when trial comes, there is help at hand. An unseen presence walks amid the shadows. A voice others hear not whispers peace. A hand others see not ministers consolation."

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

our high priest and intercessor

"We have a new way of approach, even the Lord Jesus who is at the right hand of the Majesty in the heavens: our high priest and intercessor. We are assured by those whom he sent to spread his name, that all who come unto God in this new and living way, will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

a tremendous privilege

"What a tremendous privilege it is that we have freedom of access through Christ unto the King of heaven. Let us appreciate, treasure, and use this privilege."


Monday, September 11, 2006

mind prepared by the Word

"The Word will enable us to look at life, including our own problems, from the standpoint of God and thus will assist us to pray as we ought. Unless the mind is prepared by the Word, we do not know the particular thing, or failing, for which we should be praying. The Word, however, enlivens the mind in spiritual matters, and revealing to us our true state before God, develops in us the wisdom to pray for help when and where it is needed."

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

it affects how we live

"To some extent, how we pray affects how we live."


Saturday, September 09, 2006

what is your purpose for praying?

"Place, posture and persistence are significant aspects of prayer. Frequency and clock time are important. ... the one aspect of prayer which disciples are interested above all else is purpose. What exactly is prayer intended to achieve?"

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Friday, September 08, 2006

do not conclude

"You must not conclude that because your prayer is not answered just as you wished and expected, therefore it is not heard and answered. God's ways are not as our ways. He takes everything into account. This you cannot do, because you do not know what lies before you, and you may be mistaken as to what is best for you."


Thursday, September 07, 2006

pray for strength, wisdom, patience

"Our necessities vary as continually as our circumstances. Sometimes it is strength we require, to resist temptation; sometimes wisdom to guide our decisions; sometimes patience with those who annoy us, or in the suffering of wrong."


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

a reverent and grateful heart

"Prayer to Yahweh is the uttering before Him the homage of a reverent and grateful heart, and the asking of Him those things of which we stand in need."

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

the raising of the heart & mind

"Prayer has been defined as the raising of the heart and mind to God; the soul's sincere desire, uttered or unexpressed; communion with heaven. It includes worship and praise; it provides for petition and entreaty."

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Monday, September 04, 2006

study biblical prayers

"There are many prayers in Scripture, and especially the Psalms that you can make your own, because they express your very thoughts and aspirations, and strong desires. If you are at any loss how to pray, study these prayers; try to realize the feelings they express; ponder the words and their meaning; utter them as expressing your own request; make a practice of uttering the words of your prayer, instead of merely leaving them in your mind. You will find that this will help you to realize that you are speaking to God."


Sunday, September 03, 2006

a necessary element

"Next to the reading of the Word, and accompanying it, is the necessity of prayer. If the daily reading of the Word is a necessary element in the preparation of the heart, and in equipping us for the battle of life--the good fight of faith--prayer also, not only daily, but hourly must characterize the true and faithful follower of Christ."

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Saturday, September 02, 2006

ask, seek, knock

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." {Matthew 7:7}


Friday, September 01, 2006

act of communion

"Prayer is an act of communion. Through it we discourse with Yahweh. He speaks to us when we study His Word; we speak to Him when we respond in prayer. Prayer is always linked with the Word."
