Friday, June 30, 2006


"Every resurrected saint will be a dew drop. Sparkling in the starlike glory of a divine refraction."

*This post concludes the month's dedication to Sisters


Thursday, June 29, 2006

God uses both

"The Scriptures are full of the accounts of righteous women who performed quite spectacular tasks, as well as quiet, unassuming women, and all were in the plan and purpose of God. Without them there would be a great deal lacking."


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

open your eyes & take care

"Let sisters open their eyes to the ungodly trend of these days, and let them take care that they will not be swept along by the beguiling and insidious influence of the world around them."


Tuesday, June 27, 2006

follow the example

"Let the adopted daughters of the house of Israel, in these latter days, follow the example of holy women of old, in supplicating the Most Holy in whatever matters they have need, let them accept the help of God, and let their songs of thanksgiving ascend."

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Monday, June 26, 2006

solid foundation of marriage

"Strong marriages are built on a solid foundation of the mutual respect, appreciation, and camaraderie of friendship."


Sunday, June 25, 2006

great advantage

"Many of the things that worldly women think essential are nonessential to us. And here comes one great advantage of not having friends of the world. By not having worldly friends, we are at liberty to do our part better. Worldly friends are a snare. They look at things from the opposite side from what a woman does who is striving to be like Christ."


Saturday, June 24, 2006

beginning of honor

"A daughter must be grateful to her [earthly] father--for giving her life; if he has fed and clothed her; if he has ever done anything kind for her--because gratitude is the beginning of honor."

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Friday, June 23, 2006

source of strength and more

"Never give up the priviledge of constant prayer. You will find it a source of strength, of comfort and peace, and in close communion with the Father you will yet find the sweetest, the most satisfying, and the most soul-rejoicing experience that human heart can reach."


Thursday, June 22, 2006

humble heart

"A woman with a humble heart doesn't seek her own glory and will not parade her greatness before others or try to 'prove herself.' Rather, she realizes she is nothing without God and seeks His glory alone."

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

nearly impossible

"How is one to prepare for being a suitable helpmeet, if your entire life up until marriage has been filled with a me-first mentality? It is nearly impossible to learn selfless service if we have not learned to practice it prior to marriage."

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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

not biblical virtues

"To be self-sufficient and independent are not biblical virtues for women."


Monday, June 19, 2006

what would your life-chronicle say about you?

"Published or unpublished, this woman's life is a goodly chronicle, the title page of which may be read in her quiet countenance; her manner, settled, cheerful, and at ease; her unfailing in all things and in all people. You will rarely find she thinks much about herself; she has never had time for it. And this her life-chronicle, which, out of its very fullness, has taught that the more one does, the more one finds to do--she will never flourish in your face, or the face of heaven, as something uncommonly virtuous and extraordinary. She knows that, after all, she has simply done what it was her duty to do."

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Sunday, June 18, 2006

love for Christ

"Young brethren and sisters need to recognize that the gaining of a partner for life is not the greatest attainment. The measure of their love for Christ is the all-important thing."


Saturday, June 17, 2006

as a brook in the desert

"[Sisters], may I remind you to read your Bibles? Not merely a few hurried texts in the early morning, and a few verses at night when you are half asleep, but with a listening ear, and with a reverent eye, realizing that you are in God's presence and that He is speaking to you, read the Divine word. Do not omit the old Testament, nor forget the new: one is the following out of the other, and the two are inter-dependent... come to the Books, as they who are thirsty come to a well, as they who are weary, to a pillow, as they who are afraid to a refuge. Learn the Bible by heart... and be assured the day will come, when the precious bits of truth, will be to you as the fine gold and the fadeless gem. Choose where you will: the whole Bible is God's inspired message to humanity and you cannot read a single book without profit. Whatever other literature be noble this is nobler; whatever else be full of sweetness and light, this Book of God surpasses it. It is a lamp on a dark night, as a brook in the desert, as a flower in the fallow field, as a star in the sky."

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Friday, June 16, 2006

woman of quality

"Picture a girl [or woman] that radiates dignity, regal serenity, respectfulness, grace, a gentle and quiet voice, poise, discretion, self-command, sincerity, peace, compassion, cheerfulness, and humility. That girl would stand out as a woman of quality."

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Thursday, June 15, 2006

one thing is needful

"There is no mistake as to which is to have pre-eminence in our hearts and lives. Our Lord and Master is our authority here, as in everything. 'One thing is needful', said he to Martha; and that would be his answer to many of his sisters now if they could hear his voice in reply to many anxieties. Many of the things they think needful to be done, he would not think needful, that is to say, not indispencable. ... We have to study to get a truer view of the present than is presented by our external surroundings, otherwise the sisters [today] are just as much in danger as was Martha of the 1st, of giving too much prominence to that which is of a merely passing nature, and leaving too little time and energy for the things of Christ."

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006


"Anytime we allow someone to displace God as the focus of our affection it's called infatuation. God must be the object of our longing. We become idolators, bowing to someone other than God, hoping that person will meet our needs and bring us fulfillment today."


Tuesday, June 13, 2006


"The first step in this royal pathway to all goodness and greatness, is to forget self. Self, with its miserable little cares and affections, is the root of all the wretchedness we cause to others, and all the misery we endure ourselves. Every effort we make to forget self, to leave self behind us, and to devote ourselves to labor of making every person of whom we live with, happy, is rewarded by inner satisfaction and joy. The first step in becoming unselfish is to forget one's own comfort in order to seek that of others; the next, is to forget one's own pains and suffering, in order to alleviate those of others."


Monday, June 12, 2006

known for studying

"A true woman will be known for her practice of studying God's Word with the intent of being edified, challenged, and sanctified."

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Sunday, June 11, 2006

subordination & subjection

"Subordination and subjection are the role of the woman established by an all-wise Heavenly Father. She best functions in this role. Her complement is her husband, to whom God has given the responsibility of headship. He best functions in this role as headship. By wise and sympathetic leadership on his part, the husband can assist his wife to overcome the pressures of a Godless world..."

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Saturday, June 10, 2006


"Someone once told me, 'Dating is great preparation for marriage. By dating around, you can learn what you want in a marriage partner.' As much as I liked that statement, I soon realized that dating around wasn't preparing me very well for marriage. In fact, if I were to be honest, it was setting me up better for divorce! On a whim, I would dive headfirst into a relationship, pour on a heavy dose of gushy stuff, and then when those feelings faded, I'd go out and find someone new--a constant cycle of temporary relationships. But God didn't intend marriage to be temporary. And by living this way, I wasn't preparing to love one man for a lifetime; I was preparing to have a multitude of short-lived, emotion-based romantic flings."


Friday, June 09, 2006

a happy face

"The cheerful countenance, the noble brow, the sunny smile, the compassionate eye, who is not attracted to these powerful charms? A happy face may be a very plain face, but who, with discerning judgment of these matters, would exchange it for the soul-less artificial beauty, so called, of the vain daughters of men? 'Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman that fears Yahweh she shall be praised" {Proverbs 31:30}.

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Thursday, June 08, 2006


"Modesty: natural delicacy... regarding personal charms; purity of thought and manners; due regard for propriety in speech or action."

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Wednesday, June 07, 2006

in need

"The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity."

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

definition of a virtuous woman

"A virtuous woman is...
Devoted to her family
Delighted in her work
Diligent in her labor
Dressed with care
Discreet with men
Dedicated to Godly speech
Dependent on God."

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Monday, June 05, 2006

precious to God

"A quiet and gentle spirit is precious in the sight of God. It is the sign of a woman who is strong in faith, mind, and character."

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Sunday, June 04, 2006

wonderful opportunity

"As a woman of godliness, we have the wonderful opportunity to let our lives sparkle with God's love--if we let Him. Almighty God is our guide and shepherd and will give us the spirit of godliness to complete the spirit of loveliness in our lives."


Saturday, June 03, 2006


"Happiness is not dependent on marriage, or people, or even life situations. It is based on an unchanging God, in the certain knowledge of His faithfulness and in the truth of His word."

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Friday, June 02, 2006

ornaments of grace and beauty

"A loving tender spirit,
Self sacrificing love,
Generous in service,
A trust in God above.

These are the ornaments required,
Not gaudy outward show,
To manifest true beauty,
That we may Godly grow."


Thursday, June 01, 2006

let us, dear sisters, increase our love and service

"We in these latter days, are a specially prepared people. The merely natural mind would not, and could not, do the things we are called upon to do. By faith we overcome many a hill of difficulty, and endure what the natural mind would not brook even for a moment. We are by faith able to humble ourselves as little children, that by child-like obedience to Christ's commands we may enter into his kingdom and share his joy. Let us, dear sisters, all of us -- young, middle-aged, and elderly-- strive together to make [this month] which we have just entered, the best of our lives, by the increased heartiness and steadfastness of our love and service in the truth. May we be found ready when the Messiah returns."

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